Mike Shanahan
Mike has been writing and performing his unique, original, dry, witty style of comedy since 2002. Two weeks after Mike’s very first performance a bloke was stabbed at the same venue, so Mike thought, gee what an omen, things can only go up from here.
Mike’s comedy [and virgin blue] have taken Mike to Canberra, Adelaide, Melbourne and Stones Corner Hotel to fantastic responses [sometimes from the audience]
Mike has been the support act for many top comics including George Smilovici, Mark ‘Chopper’ Read, Dave Grant, Lindsay Webb and more
A former radio presenter [the rock network, NZ] mike is used to the limited funds a career in comedy can provide and looks forward to the day he can have a beer and a steak in the same pay week.
Mike is also working on sketches and scripts for development and currently hosts a radio show [The Shaggis Show], which can be heard on switch1197.com on Sunday evenings 8-9 pm EST.